Evaluations, Consultations, and Direct Services for Language Difficulties

Language difficulties are a hidden but common condition, affecting approximately two children in every classroom. In preschool and school-age children, these difficulties can manifest in various ways, impacting their ability to communicate effectively, understand others, and perform well academically. These challenges may involve expressive language, where a child struggles to use words and sentences to express their thoughts, and/or receptive language, where a child has trouble understanding what is being said to them.

Some common signs of language difficulties in the preschool years include:

  • A small vocabulary
  • Using shorter and simpler sentences than expected for their age
  • Frequent grammatical errors
  • Providing responses to questions that may not make sense
  • Difficulty talking about what they did or giving a simple explanation in a clear and organized way

If there is no known cause for the language difficulties, such as autism or prematurity, and a child continues to have trouble after 4-5 years of age, they may be diagnosed with Developmental Language Disorder.

Language difficulties can impact a child’s social interactions and academic success. In preschool, these challenges might make it hard for a child to make friends, share, and participate in group activities. As children enter school, language difficulties can affect their ability to learn to read and write, understand math problems, and engage in classroom discussions. If left unaddressed, these challenges can lead to a cycle of academic struggles and low self-esteem.

Fortunately, language therapy and the right kind of support can help children develop the skills they need to communicate more effectively, understand language better, and succeed in school.

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Other Services We Offer

Latitude offers evaluations, consultations, and direct services in English, Russian, and Spanish.

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Foundational Communication Skills (Ages 0-8)

Early childhood is a critical time in your child's development. Let's create a strong foundation together to help your child excel!

  • First words and more words
  • Play development
  • Following directions
  • Using sentences
  • Communicating through sign-language and technology
  • Building confidence
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Articulation Difficulties

Whether you have a young child or a teenager, it is never too late to get help with articulation! Many of our clients find us after years of ineffective therapy and are finally able to graduate from Speech.
  • Errors on many speech sounds
  • Errors on select sounds, such as "S", "SH", and "R"
  • Speaking clearly & being understood
  • Building confidence

Learn More About Speech Sound Production

Flexible Speech Therapy Solutions

With our innovative and evidenced-based methods, we strive to provide you with the highest quality personalized care that you deserve. We offer a combination of flexible options to fit your family’s busy schedule.

In Home Speech Services

Currently available for those located in the North Shore of Massachusetts:
Mobile speech therapy services conveniently provided in home, daycare, or school settings. This approach works best for direct therapy with toddlers and preschoolers, and older clients who need hands on help with placement for speech production
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Hybrid Speech Therapy Services

The perfect mix for geographically distant clients who prefer online services and benefit from in-person check-ins.

A hybrid approach is recommended for clients who generally do well with online therapy but need periodic hands-on guidance for articulatory placement.

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What Our Clients are Saying

Vera B.
We are so happy with our experience receiving speech therapy services from Latitude Speech for our Russian-speaking 2 year old with a history of prematurity and significant speech delays. When we started working with Diana, our child was not talking at 2 years old, and by the time we completed weekly therapy a little over a year later, she was speaking in full sentences with a broad vocabulary. Diana’s approach is play-based and multi-modal, using spoken words, signs, and augmentative communication devices, focusing on specific sounds and words as well as language concepts, prioritizing the ability to communicate basic needs, and supporting and respecting our family’s bilingualism. She was actively involved in advocating for services and communicating with the public school system when our child was assessed for IEP services. We are so grateful for Diana’s expertise, thoughtfulness, creativity, commitment, patience, gentleness, and pure love for our child. It’s amazing to see our child come so far.
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